Duties of Officers and Board Directors

Take a moment to review the duties of the officers and the board directors.

2025 Vice-President:
Marilyn Dumpson


It shall be the duty of the Vice-President to:

  1. Act for the President in his or her absence, at all meetings of AREEA, the Board of Directors, and the committees.
  2. Assist the President by assuming primary responsibility for the planning and coordination of Instructor Continuing Education sponsored by AREEA.
  3. In the event of the President's resignation, incapacity, or death, the Vice- President will automatically become President for the remainder of the, then, current term of office. In the event that the Vice-President is unwilling or unable to assume said assume said duties as President, the Board of Directors shall elect a new President to serve the remainder of the term of office. The Vice-President shall assist the then-current President by assuming primary responsibility for the planning and coordination of Instructor Continuing Education sponsored by AREEA, continue the duties of Vice-President.
  4. Attend the REEA Convention and bring a report of the convention to AREEA.


It shall be the duty of the Secretary/Treasurer to:

  1. Keep all records and minutes of AREEA and the Board of Directors.
  2. Issue notices and keep minutes for all meetings.
  3. Collect and receipt all dues and assessments and monies coming into the organization.
  4. Deposit all monies into the organization’s accounts
  5. Make all disbursements.
  6. Keep such financial records as may be required by the Board of Directors.
  7. Furnish financial reports to the membership at regular meetings, and to the Officers and Directors at board meetings.
  8. Provide current electronic membership roster, monthly, for member access.
  9. Submit financial records for audit when required by the Board of Directors.
  10. Deliver financial records to the incoming Secretary/Treasurer immediately upon retirement from office.

Board Directors

It shall be the duty of the Board Directors to:

  1. Represent the body on the Executive Board.
  2. Perform tasks as assigned by the President.
  3. Determine policies of AREEA
  4. Counsel the President in the conduct of the office
  5. Make such provisions for auditing of AREEA records as deemed proper for the protection of the funds and the purpose of AREEA
  6. Fill a vacancy occurring during the term of any officer or Director of AREEA by electing another officer or Director to serve the unexpired portion of the term, except that a vacancy in the office of President shall be filled as provided by ARTICLE IV, Section 3, Subsection b.

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